Bonjour Fucker!//
HWB's debut album // Jim experiments with altered guitar tunings and spices up his songwriting with edgier, more personal lyrics. He alienates core fanbase - mum and dad.
What timezone had to say about it:
Don't be fooled by Jim Sheppard's angelic face and polite demeanour. Dig deeper and you'll find that this Brit washed up in Paris is in fact a devilishly good songwriter with a biting wit. The bouncy electronic loops and pared-down lo-fi feel of his songs are betrayed by their acerbic lyrics. The music is playful, sometimes almost twee, and full of knowing winks to other artists. Hard Working Boss has created a new kind of pop, where faux-blasé lyrics meet beautiful melodies.
The HUNGER single
29/04/20: After a 7-year break, Hard Working Boss unleashes OCD Girlfriend onto the world.

In contrast to the hastily cobbled-together video, the cover art is surprisingly well drawn. The artist particularly enjoyed "getting the breasts just right".
OCD Girlfriend//
single 29/4/20

Goodness, this video took a long time to make! I was set to make a fancy film but then Covid-19 hit Paris. Luckily, plucky artist has flash (yes, flash!) on his obsolete Windows 7 PC (yes, windows 7!). This minor masterpiece is the result.
Warning: the dancer in the video is a trained professional - do not attempt to throw these shapes at home!
There's a new album out on the block and it's called REVULVA. Any similarity on cover to real persons - living, dead, or dumped - is purely coincidental.
Listen here and be appalled.
Jazzmag video
If we ever had any doubts that HWB was a colossal pervert, this lo-fi video finally puts the matter to rest.
In Britain, "jazzmag" is a slightly archaic term for "pornographic magazine". You probably didn't realize you would be learning so much culture here, did you?

A whopping
75% of viewers consider this man to be a fiend.
Don't be put off by the insanity in they eyes - it's just been a bad phone day, okay?
Imagine the delight on people's faces when they realised they had chosen to come to the park at the same time that I was filming this video! This is the first single since 4 years, which incidently is the time that your instructor has gone without exercise. Unfinished Songs is streaming everywhere!